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CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©zebra3, 2020
CODE QUANTUM ©Benoit Cary, 2020


Exhibition in front of the Fabrique Pola, 10 quai de Brazza in Bordeaux
July 22 to October 17, 2020
FESTIVE EVENING Wednesday July 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. la Polacabana

With after affect, Charlie Aubry, Pierre Clement, Ladislas Combeuil, Countach Studio, Franck Éon, Lyse Fournier, Geörgette Power, Rémi Groussin, Benoît-Marie Moriceau, Nani $ ôka Groupe, Marianne Plo, Julien Tardieu, Marianne Vitale, Youg.

CODE QUANTUM is an exhibition in public space.

Fifteen artists and collectives are invited to show a work on the entire exterior facade of the Fabrique Pola in Bordeaux.

This project responds to the unprecedented period of confinement that we have just gone through, it tests a form of exhibition that is deployed over 1000 m2 of the facade.

The building becomes a giant picture rail, the works of different formats play with the dimensions of this open-air support. The artists offer signs, revisit acronyms, use the materials and repertoires of urban communication, rely on the industrial nature of its facing, and evoke a temporality as vast and vague as the environment in which this exhibition takes place. .

CODE QUANTUM borrows its name from the eponymous television series, in which Doctor Samuel Beckett accidentally finds himself trapped in the past following a space-time travel experience that has gone wrong: he then sets out on a journey to find his time and his identity. . This quest takes him through many eras, each time in the skin of a new character.

Like the series, the exhibition offers a journey through time in suspension, which echoes the forms of uncertainties and questions that characterize the period we are going through.

These successive displacements between different worlds, those before, now, and after constitute a course in which the mind is invited to drift, a temporal and visual experience which indirectly evokes the confusion, the precariousness of the reference points from which we are able to project ourselves collectively.

Based on fundamentally different proposals, practices and approaches, the works that all artists offer us test our own capacities to overcome the contradictory injunctions in which the situation we are living in plunges us significantly.

Special thanks to Yann Chevalier Le Confort Moderne, Manuel Pomar Lieu-Commun, Magali Roumengou, Louis Joly, Sophie Trogneux.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

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