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Loïc Doussin, Hyperborée, Encre écoline, encre de chine et acrylique sur papier aquarelle, 2014. (© Damien Aspe)

© Damien Aspe

Pauline Lespiau, Extérieur jour - Bivouac, barbecue monté sur pieds télescopiques, acier, ficelle sisal, toile de jute, cheveux synthétiques, fils de lin, laine, peinture, mousse, 2015. (© Damien Aspe)

© Damien Aspe

Fabien Guiraud, Waterfall, cimaise percée d’une fente, peinture noire, vidéo projecteur, speakers monitoring, ordinateur, 2014. (© Damien Aspe)

Irwin Marchal, Black/Back Doors, bois, crépi, charbon de bois, colorant, hublots, variateurs de lumière, vis, câbles électriques, ampoules, filtres gélatines, 2015. (© Damien Aspe)

Renaud Chambon, The Ebb and Flow of Tides, charbon sur papier, plexiglas, film dichoique interférentiel transparent, 2015. (© Damien Aspe)

Anne Colomes, Reach for the dead, peinture acrylique, pastels, crayons de couleur, pâte à modeler, gouache, scotch double face, 2015. (© Damien Aspe)

Elisa Mistrot, Break On Through, huile sur toile, acier, 2015. (© Damien Aspe)

Winshluss, Guernikea, aquarelle sur paier, 2015.

Marine Julié, Casques, savon et billes de pin 2011. Camille Lavaud, Rêve de Raymond Roussel le 13 juillet 1933 à Palerme, Matériaux : toile de lin, cuir, simili cuir type skai, colle, 2015. (© Damien Aspe)

© Damien Aspe

Serge Provost et Isabelle Fourcade, Archipel, performance, 2015. (© Damien Aspe)

© Damien Aspe

Laurent Le Deunff, Coquillage I, papier mâché, ciment, 2012. © Damien Aspe

Franck Eon, Abstraction in the jungle, 2008. (© Damien Aspe)

© Damien Aspe

Nicolas Milhé, Paradis, Lambda print on aluminium, 2003. Vincent Carlier, Coconuts, ballon, scotch, porcelaine, fer à béton, peinture, 2015. (© Damien Aspe)

Benjamin Artola, L’Archipel du rêve, dessins au feutre, 2015. (© Damien Aspe)

Lou-Andrea Lassalle, Caylus Culture Club - Muséale I, Encre et feutre sur papier, carton, peinture, bois, vis, 2013-2015. (© Damien Aspe)

Serge Provost et Isabelle Fourcade, Archipel, performance, 2015.

Serge Provost et Isabelle Fourcade, Archipel, performance, 2015.

Serge Provost et Isabelle Fourcade, Archipel, performance, 2015.

Artistic exchange Bordeaux / Toulouse - Part 1/2

The dream archipelago

An exhibition by Zébra3 at Lieu-Commun

April 16 to May 31, 2015 - Lieu-Commun, 25 rue d'Armagnac - Toulouse

With works by Benjamin Artola, Vincent Carlier, Renaud Chambon, Anne Colomes, Loïc Doussin, Franck Eon, Fabien Guiraud, Marine Julié, Lou-Andréa Lassalle, Camille Lavaud, Laurent Le Deunff, Pauline Lespiau, Irwin Marchal, Nicolas Milhé, Elisa Mistrot, Winshluss (Vincent Paronnaud), Performance by Serge Provost and Isabelle Fourcade.

Police station Candice Pétrillo, Zébra3

The exhibition “The Archipelago of Dreams” borrows the title and the dreamlike atmosphere of a work by Christopher Priest , who through a series of short stories composes “the emotional map of a world trapped in its own madness, where the 'art and love are as much traps as they are loopholes ”. (Jérôme Lavadou)

A perpetual, absurd war is taking place on the outskirts. The scarifications of the sky, the camouflage pattern and the remains of weapons bear witness to this. Here and there the artefacts of mysterious tribes are erected, awaiting occult practices. Perceptions are troubled, the solar star is blue, the rock cottony. We sink into the contemplation of a string of cosmic islets. Struck with synesthesia, the rustling of waterfalls materializes before our eyes, the grasses are syncopated and vibrant jungles, the walls of fault lines around which our certainties waver. Sulphurous warriors embrace each other under an atomic sun, far from the fantasized image of the sweet vahine. The disturbing cavities of the shells and the anthracite doors invoke dark caverns, theaters of shameful desires. There is a sharp criticism behind it. The utopia of the original paradise and of a pure and wild way of life is tainted, in favor of a fiscal and consumerist Eden. Other clichés are hijacked with humor, like the coconut tree which seeks to escape its island at all costs, or these castaways who reproduce the pleasures of a life of leisure rather than compensate for their survival.

Autonomous visions and more or less direct references to the book mingle, so many mental projections that build a discontinuous but coherent space. A fantasized archipelago of singular and toxic beauty, which hides behind tropical languor a world where violence and perversion lurk.

Artistic exchange Bordeaux / Toulouse

In the contemporary art landscape in France, the high visibility, the necessity and the quality of the work of institutional places must not obscure the lasting precariousness of the scene of independent spaces, in particular those managed by artists, associative galleries, structures providing workshops and equipped production spaces.

Alternative places of experimentation and exhibition, they are sometimes real springboards, producing, disseminating, providing unfailing support to emerging but also confirmed artists, activating networking, facilitating the work of locating and irrigating institutional places. .

Zébra3 and Lieu-Commun , two independent structures, actors of radically different scenes, initiate an artistic exchange Bordeaux / Toulouse which aims to make known and recognize their territories and their paths, to reaffirm their commitment to art and to demonstrate the quality. and the ambition of their work.

In this first part, Lieu-Commun invites Zébra3 to present an exhibition of emerging artists from the Aquitaine scene. For the second part, Zébra3 invites Lieu-Commun from June 11 to July 12, 2015 to present an exhibition of emerging artists from the Midi-Pyrenean scene at the Polarium / Fabrique Pola.

Exhibition programmed as part of Aquitaine en scène and receives support from the City of Bordeaux Creation Aid Fund.


10 quai de Brazza

(Pola factory)

33 100 Bordeaux - France

Phone +33 (0) 9 52 18 88 29

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